Wednesday, December 10, 2014

post 12

The baader meinhof Complex
            The baader meinhof Complex is a German film was made in 2008.  The film was written by Bernd Eichinger. This film was written based on a book written by Stefan Aust, the book has the same name. In 1967, Shah of Iran also known as Reza Shah, he was the leader of Iran. He visited German in West Berlin to see opera. A group of young Germans didn’t like the appearance of Reza Shah. They shoed up to object his appearance. One of the German protesters was killed. The result of murders a German citizen made a lot of people to join the protest. One of the people who joined the protest was a journalist name Ulrike Meinhof. She wrote articles critical of the Shah earlier. The journalist inspired Gudrun Ensslin and Andreas Baader, and they went on to bomb a department store. Meinhof and her group went to Jordan to train. The group came back to German as Red Army Faction (RAF). West German government considers the RAF as terrorist organization. RAF bombings attacks killed a lot of innocent people for no reason. The RAF was involved for more than 200 bombs attacks in 1973 to 1995.

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