Wednesday, November 19, 2014

post 10

The role of military in the Germany in 18th and 19th Century

The military played crucial roles in Germany during the eighteenth and the nineteenth centuries. During the seventeenth century, the primary role of the German military was to expand the territory through a series of wars. King Frederick William strengthened the Prussian army and started a mission to expand the Germany territory. For example, the military conquered regions along River Memel, Stockholm, and Swedish Pomerania (Toleranz 1). During the time of King Frederick the Great, the military conquered the regions of Lower Silesia in 1741 and Upper Silesia in 1742 (Werwolf 1). This implies that the German military, which was under the direct command of the King, focused on expanding the German territory through conquering the neighboring regions. However, the main conquests occurred during the eighteenth century, when all the kings focused on enhancing the German’s military capability.    

During the nineteenth century, the German military changed its main role of conquering the neighboring regions and focused more on resolving internal aggression and preventing external aggressions. Internal aggression and the number of liberals soon increased with the expansion of the German territory. Consequently, most of the kings who reigned during the nineteenth century directed the military towards the resolution of civil wars with the objective of enhancing the supremacy of Germany. This resulted in the ‘wars of unification’. These wars that occurred between 1850 and 1871 were initiated to fight liberals, especially in the North Germany, and increase the influence of King in all parts that had been conquered (Mocking 2). The wars were led by King Bismarck, who aimed at uniting all regions of Germany and establish the great Germany through military interventions.  This implies that the German military played the roles of expanding Germany and establishing its supremacy during the eighteenth and the nineteenth centuries. 

Work cited
Toleranz, G. Deconstructing Danzig: A reevaluation of the Danzig crisis and the long building to the Second World War. Toleranz. 2014. Web. November 27 2014.
Werwolf, O. A very concise history Upper Silesia. Operation Werewolf. August 2. 2014. Web. November 27 2014.
Mocking, J. German unification (1850-1871). Spark Notes. 2014. Web. November 27 2014.

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