Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Final post part B

Overview of the Class
When I registered for German culture class I had no idea about German. During the semester I have learned a lot of thing about German. First, I learned about the states, my group presented three states and I learned about the other states from the other groups. Second I learned how the Dudesche Hanse started, and it was one of the greatest organizations in the world. It was in the 17th century and it’s still remembered in some companies such as Lufthansa, the German airline. Third, we read the book All Quiet on the Western Front. It was about the war how young men goes to the war and either they don’t come back, or they come back and they feel like they don’t have a life because the war changed them. I learned about some German’s investor. For example Otto Hahn, he discovered the first example of the uranium. Also Karl Benz, he invested the first automobile with combustion engine. Finally, I learned about the Red Army Faction (RAF). West German government considers them a terrorist organization, because they are involved in bombs attacks in 1973 to 1995. I enjoyed taking this class, because I have learned a lot about something I had no idea about it. I liked the way that each group present a different topic so we can learn from each other and sharing ideas about the topics.  

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Final post part A

Class blog Review
Calvin Smith

1.     Paste the url of the reviewed blog first.
2. Why did the blog draw your interest as you started reviewing it, why not?
The blog drew my interest because almost every post in the blog has some pictures in it. The way he wrote his post is great.
3. How much care did the blog author show for her or his blog? How can you tell?
I can say that he care about the blog because he it’s organized and I can tell he put a lot of offer in the blog.
4. How would you rate the overall informative quality on a scale of 1-5 (five is high)
I would say the blog is great so I would give it 5/5.
5. How would you rate the readability of the blog on a scale of 1-5 (five is high)
I would rate the readability of this blog a 5 because the posts are easy to read and also easy to follow.
6. Compared to your own blog, is the reviewed blog better, the same, or worse?
Comparing this blog to my blog I think they are the same, but his blog is better than mine.

David Sufficool

1.     Paste the url of the reviewed blog first.
2.     Why did the blog draw your interest as you started reviewing it, why not?
The blog drew my interest because of the background, and the pictures in the posts.
3.     How much care did the blog author show for her or his blog? How can you tell?
The author cared about his blog, I can tell because he put a lot of time in his blog. He had a lot of text and some post has pictures, and he had all the topics posted in time.
4.     How would you rate the overall informative quality on a scale of 1-5 (five is high)
I would give the blog 5/5 because he never missed a topic.
5.     How would you rate the readability of the blog on a scale of 1-5 (five is high)
I would rate the readability of the blog a 5/5, because his posts are easy to read and has a lot of information.
6. Compared to your own blog, is the reviewed blog better, the same, or worse?
Comparing this blog to my blog I would say they are similar.

ALanazi Fayez

1.     Paste the url of the reviewed blog first.
2.     Why did the blog draw your interest as you started reviewing it, why not?
The blog drew my interest because it has a lot of information, and you can learn something form reading it.
3. How much care did the blog author show for her or his blog? How can you tell?
The author cared about his blog and I can tell because he always posts his topic on time. Also you can see that he has a lot of information in it.
4. How would you rate the overall informative quality on a scale of 1-5 (five is high)
I would say it qualify 5/5.
5. How would you rate the readability of the blog on a scale of 1-5 (five is high)
I say the rate of the readability of the blog a 5, because the blog has a lot of text but its not boring to read.
6. Compared to your own blog, is the reviewed blog better, the same, or worse?
Comparing this blog to my blog I would say they are similar but mine a little better.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

post 12

The baader meinhof Complex
            The baader meinhof Complex is a German film was made in 2008.  The film was written by Bernd Eichinger. This film was written based on a book written by Stefan Aust, the book has the same name. In 1967, Shah of Iran also known as Reza Shah, he was the leader of Iran. He visited German in West Berlin to see opera. A group of young Germans didn’t like the appearance of Reza Shah. They shoed up to object his appearance. One of the German protesters was killed. The result of murders a German citizen made a lot of people to join the protest. One of the people who joined the protest was a journalist name Ulrike Meinhof. She wrote articles critical of the Shah earlier. The journalist inspired Gudrun Ensslin and Andreas Baader, and they went on to bomb a department store. Meinhof and her group went to Jordan to train. The group came back to German as Red Army Faction (RAF). West German government considers the RAF as terrorist organization. RAF bombings attacks killed a lot of innocent people for no reason. The RAF was involved for more than 200 bombs attacks in 1973 to 1995.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

post 10

The role of military in the Germany in 18th and 19th Century

The military played crucial roles in Germany during the eighteenth and the nineteenth centuries. During the seventeenth century, the primary role of the German military was to expand the territory through a series of wars. King Frederick William strengthened the Prussian army and started a mission to expand the Germany territory. For example, the military conquered regions along River Memel, Stockholm, and Swedish Pomerania (Toleranz 1). During the time of King Frederick the Great, the military conquered the regions of Lower Silesia in 1741 and Upper Silesia in 1742 (Werwolf 1). This implies that the German military, which was under the direct command of the King, focused on expanding the German territory through conquering the neighboring regions. However, the main conquests occurred during the eighteenth century, when all the kings focused on enhancing the German’s military capability.    

During the nineteenth century, the German military changed its main role of conquering the neighboring regions and focused more on resolving internal aggression and preventing external aggressions. Internal aggression and the number of liberals soon increased with the expansion of the German territory. Consequently, most of the kings who reigned during the nineteenth century directed the military towards the resolution of civil wars with the objective of enhancing the supremacy of Germany. This resulted in the ‘wars of unification’. These wars that occurred between 1850 and 1871 were initiated to fight liberals, especially in the North Germany, and increase the influence of King in all parts that had been conquered (Mocking 2). The wars were led by King Bismarck, who aimed at uniting all regions of Germany and establish the great Germany through military interventions.  This implies that the German military played the roles of expanding Germany and establishing its supremacy during the eighteenth and the nineteenth centuries. 

Work cited
Toleranz, G. Deconstructing Danzig: A reevaluation of the Danzig crisis and the long building to the Second World War. Toleranz. 2014. Web. November 27 2014.
Werwolf, O. A very concise history Upper Silesia. Operation Werewolf. August 2. 2014. Web. November 27 2014.
Mocking, J. German unification (1850-1871). Spark Notes. 2014. Web. November 27 2014.

post 9

German inventions in the 20th and 21st Century

The German inventions, especially those that occurred during the twentieth century and twenty-first centuries have made a significant contribution towards improving human life in the modern world. One of the reasons that have made the German innovations influential is the fact that Germans are to adapt their innovations into the industry and then spread their discoveries throughout the commercial sector (Breznitz 2). Most of the German innovations occurred during the twentieth century. Most of the German innovations are within the field of technology. For example, a German named Konrad Zuse developed a first functional programmable language in 1941 (German National Tourism Board 1). This resulted in the development of binary calculators and computers.  A German, Dethloff Grottrup, discovered the pocket size computer in 1969 (GNTB 1). This intelligent card was intended to address the insecurity issues associated with other methods of cashless payment, including the plastic cards. The development of simple technology that could aid in the encryption of personal information is one if the German’s 21st inventions.

Germans have made a significant contribution in the health care sector. For example, Otto Bock discovered the C-Leg in 1997, which was intended to enhance the well-being of the people who play golf or go for a walk (GNTB 1). In 1961, Schering developed an estrogen pill that could be used to prevent pregnancy. 

The German Chemist Otto Hahn. He won Nobel prize in Chemistry, because he discovered nuclear fission. He is one of the most worthy chemists in the world “the father of nuclear chemistry”.  After the World War II Hahn was against using nuclear power as a weapon.

Germans have also made an impact in the field of aeronautics. In 1936, Henrich Focke observed the seed of the maple tree and used it to explain how the helicopter could be developed with the capabilities of turning on its axis. In conclusion, the Germans’ passion for innovation has been instrumental in the discovery of different things that have improved human life. Most importantly, the German innovations have influenced the technology, health, and aeronautics among other sectors.

Work cited
Breznitz, D. Why Germany dominates the U.S. in invention. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Business Review, 2014. Web.
German National Tourism Board. German inventions: Ordinary, yet ingenious. GNTB. 2013. Web. November 27 2014.